The City of St. Louis – Community Development Administration (CDA) is forming a Community Advisory Committee (CAC) as we work to transform neighborhoods, build community, and expand affordable housing in the City of St. Louis. CDA is seeking interested St. Louis residents who will meet on a monthly basis from February 2025 to December 2025. The CDA CAC will provide feedback and input through CDA’s planning and funding processes. CDA seeks a committee that represents the diversity of our City including but not limited to a balance of race, profession, interests, income, education, geography, gender, and age. If you are interested in applying, please complete the application by February14 , 2025. Click here for the application.If you have any questions, please contact Tom Nagel, Public Information Officer for CDA, at or 314-657-3813. The CDA Consolidated Plan Committee meeting in April 2024. The CDA CAC will be a year-round committee. Do you know St. Louis? CDA is seeking nine total Committee members who are… From diverse City neighborhoods, backgrounds, professions, and experiences
Up to two committee persons may live outside of the City of St. Louis and must…
Have strong connections to and expertise about the City of St. Louis
Have lived in the City of St. Louis for at least five years at some time
Must live in the St. Louis Region and be able to attend in-person meetings
Knowledgeable and passionate about the St. Louiscommunity – not necessarily government policy experts. For example, we’re looking for everyday St. Louis residents who know and care about the city. If you live or work in St. Louis and want to help shape its future, we want to hear from you!
Ready to study CDA’s Consolidated Plan and formula grant programs.
Please note that individuals employed by CDA-funded programs or organizations are not eligible to join the CDA CAC. However, CDA-funded entities and staff are always encouraged to share their feedback via public comment.When will the CDA Citizen Advisory Committee meet? Meetings will be bi-monthly on Tuesday evenings. The committee will meet in person with a virtual option. Additional meetings ahead of the Neighborhood Transformation Grant Housing Production cycle (Spring) and Neighborhood Transformation Grant Social Services CDBG Funding Cycle (Summer) will be held TBD as needed by the group to review the grant opportunities’ parameters. CDA CAC members will also be invited to special events like CDA tours, open houses, and other public engagement activities.What is the Community Development Administration? The Community Development Administration, or CDA, is a City Department established in 1974 to administer Housing and Community Development Act funds. Today, CDA serves as a clearinghouse for a variety of federal, state and local funds for the City of St. Louis. CDA is committed to leveraging funds to drive economic justice and neighborhood transformation, and to ensuring funding prio